Monday, March 24, 2008

The Move....

Seriously I never... ever... ever, hope to go through this process again!
We signed Papers on the sale of our house Friday. Although I am Grateful to be rid of one headache... I did not enjoy the headache from the move itself. For those of you who helped, especially, Kacee & Jerry.. Thank you so very much! We really could not have done it without you!
Funny Story... So this truck was huge, OK! It was a 24 footer! Chad and I left Salt lake Sunday (Easter) around 6:30 AM and finally arrived in Bend around 7:00 PM! It had to be one of the longest trips I have been on in a very long time... And let me just say there is something wrong with a vehicle that when I sit in the seat I can't reach the floorboard! Seriously though It just wasn't right! Chad asked me to drive after about 9 hours.. I politely let him know I didn't think he really wanted me to drive! Well he being the oh so "confident companion" assured me that everything would be alright!! So he pulled over on the side of the highway and we switched seats.. Again let me remind you I cant reach the floorboard and barely can reach the pedals of the truck.. I learned a very valuable lesson on this trip, that being If I ever don't want to do something and my husband insists all I have to do is scare the SH@! out of him and he will politely ask me to stop what I was doing!! I think I only lasted 30 minutes driving and I had him so scared it was all he could take!!!

I am Glad to be back in Bend.. I leave for California tomorrow! I haven't been back there for over 3 years!!! I don't know how much Blogging I will be able to do while I am there but will keep you posted as soon as I return.. I miss you all....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So after a game of deal or no deal we have accepted the latest offer.. We will close on March 21 or 24 the date is to still be determined. I am hoping everything goes through smoothly! Please keep your fingers crossed. My Trip recently to Utah was a bit blurry! Time just flew by way to fast. Between my niece's baby blessing and My Grandpa in laws wedding & lets not forget of course packing there was no rest for the weary! I wish I would of had more time to spend with some friends but I will try to make some time when I come down next week.. yes that's right next week. I am going to fly out on the 19th and will start boxing up everything that is left. Chad and I are going to rent a moving truck and drive everything back here to Oregon where it will remain until we buy our next house!
Things are really good here. I love this town. I have a BIG Interview tomorrow. This is the one I have been waiting for so hopefully I am what they are looking for! I will let you all know how it goes.
I have to share a funny story about my oh so "Hilarious" daughter. I asked Chad to rub my shoulders for me after our long trip Sunday from Salt lake. He rubbed my shoulders for about 60 seconds and was finished. Gracie came over and said to him " Do what you told the man you would do when you married her!!!" Seriously I have no clue where she got that from but it was so funny!!! I Love my Family!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So we got an offer on our house! I know exciting isn't it! I am going down to my father in laws shop to pick up the fax and make a decision. I think we are going to accept it. It is not far from what we were asking and truth be told it is so stressful being here and having the house there! I will keep you posted..

All is well. Chad is up in Portland all week for a class he is taking to get certified in Welding Inspections. I am still looking for a job. I think the offer on the house came at the perfect time. This way I can get house things taken care of if I need to. Packing should be a blast!

I got Grace signed up for a "Hip Hop" dance class. She starts next Thursday! She is pretty exciting. I will definitely take pictures and post them. Look out "Beyonce" !!

I hope all is well...