Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weekend in Review....

So my Brother Jay & his beautiful Kids, Riley & Jaycob came up to visit this weekend. We had a wonderful time! We went to the High Desert Museum and alot of time together. I miss them so much.
Our Dog "Sarah" is doing so much better. I am so Grateful she healed so quickly. I honestly did not think she was going to make it, but she did!

Chad & I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. Chad took me to a restaurant called Pine Tree Tavern. It was Wonderful! We had the best evening. Gracie stayed with her Papa so it actually ended up being a "real date"! 7 years! WOW! I have to be honest it feels like 20, but I am very blessed to have such a wonderful Husband.

So the people who were going to buy our house backed out. Everything was supposed to be finalized today. The bank had quoted them and when all of the numbers came back it was higher than the quoted amount. So it's on the market again! The house Chad & I were looking at is no longer an option, until our home in Utah sales! Please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us.
I hope all of you are doing well. I miss you....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bad Day...

The day started good. I was getting ready for my Brother Jay & his 2 kids to come up to visit us and my husband Ran in the house and said our dog Sarah got hit by a car! I couldn't believe it. She is the best dog. She is such a lover! We took her to the Vet and was told she looked to be ok but wouldn't know for sure until the morning her Body was still in shock so they ran a few tests. I felt like such a wuss & broke down in the Vets office, I couldn't help it though to see our Dog in pain was unbearable. They told us to bring her back in the morning so we headed out of the office and Sarah had peed blood, not a good sign...
I hope she is ok. I will keep you posted.....

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hip Hop Dance Class

So We signed her up for Hip Hop Dance. She loves it. They are going to do a dance to "Everybody Dance Now" by C & C music factory. The dance moves are priceless! She has some fancy footwork in this dance. As soon as she gets the whole dance down I will put up the video.

Obsessed with pulling teeth....

My Poor little girl... I have this obsession with pulling teeth out. Don't get me wrong they are teeth that are ready to be pulled, Well I help them along the way a little.. So my daughter has lost 2 teeth in the last 2 weeks. It has been so long since I have pulled out a tooth and I have to say it is the neatest feeling!!!! She has another tooth in the front that is ready, well I will give it a week before I start to go to "work" on it!
The Tooth Fairy has been mighty kind to her & I think that is why she doesn't squabble with me when I am "working" on her teeth..
My Little girl is growing up....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Back From Cali........

Grace & I ventured back to California last week. What a wonderful time we had. I spent some overdue time with my Mom & Dad and had a wonderful time. We went Shopping, Rollerskating, Shopping, and had a wonderful Family Dinner. I got to spend alot of time with my Niece, Riley & Nephew, Jaycob & all of my brothers. It was really hard to come home to Oregon, But Gracie's spring break was over.
I start my New Job Monday.. Wish me luck! I am really excited for this. My Brother Jay and his 2 kids are coming to see us this weekend! I am really excited. we found a couple of houses that we are interested in, but we are waiting for the house we are selling in Utah to be funded! Please say your prayers that everything goes through...
I miss all of you... BTW if you don't leave comments I don't know you are reading my Blog!!!!
Peace out...