Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another child = $

So I have decided, after doing my taxes that I am going to have to have another Child. Seriously I am almost finished with our taxes and I really think this is what would be best for our family. I was a little nervous mentioning this to Chad but to my surprise he said "ok I'll think about it and get back to you" I was expecting the "Hell No" response, needless to say I am happy with his response although I wonder now if there was a little sarcasm in his voice? I will definitely keep you posted....


Purpleturtle said...

Go for it! And then you can name her after your favorite person in the whole wide world! Me!

Shamo said...

Dude....why do you think i got preggers in the first place!?!?haahaha

Marci Coombs said...

YEAH! So better keep him to his word! I think you should name it .....S.L.D.