Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Back From Cali........

Grace & I ventured back to California last week. What a wonderful time we had. I spent some overdue time with my Mom & Dad and had a wonderful time. We went Shopping, Rollerskating, Shopping, and had a wonderful Family Dinner. I got to spend alot of time with my Niece, Riley & Nephew, Jaycob & all of my brothers. It was really hard to come home to Oregon, But Gracie's spring break was over.
I start my New Job Monday.. Wish me luck! I am really excited for this. My Brother Jay and his 2 kids are coming to see us this weekend! I am really excited. we found a couple of houses that we are interested in, but we are waiting for the house we are selling in Utah to be funded! Please say your prayers that everything goes through...
I miss all of you... BTW if you don't leave comments I don't know you are reading my Blog!!!!
Peace out...


Purpleturtle said...

Woolsey, just because you are in a different state now, doesn't mean that you can't call me once in a while. Of course I miss you, you skank. And I have a semi-interesting story to tell you. Call me at work tomorrow!!

Whitney said...

So I am chopped liver, NICE!!!!